Tag Archives: birth

For Leslie Marmon Silko.

People think that if their children look like them, things are staying the same. But that a child is born is proof enough that each is new.

I return to the Midwest, land of my birth.

My origins, in some obscure way, account for my enjoyment of this alienation.

The mythic birth of Athena.

Many a male has succumbed to the fantasy that it is possible to give birth to wisdom without a partner.

First or second, literal or figurative.

Birth is the only miracle that humanity can achieve. But even this it cannot do on its own.

Congratulations on the new job!

You were born do to it (… sociologically speaking).


An idea that cannot spring fully formed is not yet ready to be born.

Stop hating your parents.

They are only responsible for the fact of your birth. You are to blame for the fact of your existence.