Tag Archives: present

The present is a fulcrum.

Turn pasts around and futures horizontally.

The present.

The post-everything era is definitely over.

Who needs “Back to the Future”?

“X-Men: Days of Future Past” is that rare time travel movie, where the point is to both appreciate the present and change the future.

Political grammar, political time.

“What could have been” for the past, “what may well be” for the present, “what will have been” for the future.

I think beyond our present.

I probably won’t get there, but I suspect many others will.

Perspective and prepositions.

We look from the past, with the present, towards the future.

This is not a representation.

To be present is to be aware of the process of presencing.

Everything that happens happens twice.

Everything that is present becomes so as a representation.

The shape of time.

Past and future do not meet present “head-on,” but rather loop into it at acute and oblique angles.

Just a moment.

The present vanishes between the nostalgia for the past and progress for the future.